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Question 1:

Read passage 1 and answer the questions following the passage.

1Transfusion of a persons' own blood is called autologous transfusion. 2It's different from transfusion of blood given by others homologous transfusion, and transfusion of blood given by friends or family-directed donation.

3The public's growing interest in AIDS increases its interest in blood transfusion. 4It also leads some people to worry about receiving donated blood. 5Public concern about spreading disease through blood transfusion has increased the number of autologous transfusions. 6This trend promotes research and progress in autologous transfusion

7Now many people believe that a person's own blood is the safest blood to receive

8Advances in medicine continues to reduce the risk of transmitting viruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), through blood. 9Research steadily finds new ways to test blood for disease, and blood donated by volunteers is becoming a safer product.

10Medical professionals often suggest autologous transfusion. 11They want the people to know that it is a choice they might have when they need blood. 12They encourage people to receive their own blood because it reduces possible negative effects of transfusion, 13 Receiving one's own blood ensures that the blood is compatible.

14 Transfusion of autologous blood avoids many types of transfusion reactions. 15Transfusion of directed donation blood does not prevent these reactions. 16 However, it’s difficult to change public Perceptions about this. 17 Many people still believe that receiving blood donated by family and friends prevents disease transmission. 18 Sometimes people choose not to donate blood.

19 Autologous transfusion is not always the best medical treatment. 20 Sometimes blood loss does not require transfusion. 21 It is impractical for large numbers of people to donate 'blood for the possibility of receiving it. 22 Also, some people who want to donate blood do not meet medical guidelines for donation.

Which sentence includes an incorrect form of verb?

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Question 2:

Read passage 1 and answer the questions following the passage.

1Transfusion of a persons' own blood is called autologous transfusion. 2It's different from transfusion of blood given by others homologous transfusion, and transfusion of blood given by friends or family-directed donation.

3The public's growing interest in AIDS increases its interest in blood transfusion. 4It also leads some people to worry about receiving donated blood. 5Public concern about spreading disease through blood transfusion has increased the number of autologous transfusions. 6This trend promotes research and progress in autologous transfusion

7Now many people believe that a person's own blood is the safest blood to receive

8Advances in medicine continues to reduce the risk of transmitting viruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), through blood. 9Research steadily finds new ways to test blood for disease, and blood donated by volunteers is becoming a safer product.

10Medical professionals often suggest autologous transfusion. 11They want the people to know that it is a choice they might have when they need blood. 12They encourage people to receive their own blood because it reduces possible negative effects of transfusion, 13 Receiving one's own blood ensures that the blood is compatible.

14 Transfusion of autologous blood avoids many types of transfusion reactions. 15Transfusion of directed donation blood does not prevent these reactions. 16 However, it’s difficult to change public Perceptions about this. 17 Many people still believe that receiving blood donated by family and friends prevents disease transmission. 18 Sometimes people choose not to donate blood.

19 Autologous transfusion is not always the best medical treatment. 20 Sometimes blood loss does not require transfusion. 21 It is impractical for large numbers of people to donate 'blood for the possibility of receiving it. 22 Also, some people who want to donate blood do not meet medical guidelines for donation.

Which sentence should be deleted because it is unrelated to the other sentences in its paragraph?

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Question 3:

Read passage 1 and answer the questions following the passage.

1Transfusion of a persons' own blood is called autologous transfusion. 2It's different from transfusion of blood given by others homologous transfusion, and transfusion of blood given by friends or family-directed donation.

3The public's growing interest in AIDS increases its interest in blood transfusion. 4It also leads some people to worry about receiving donated blood. 5Public concern about spreading disease through blood transfusion has increased the number of autologous transfusions. 6This trend promotes research and progress in autologous transfusion

7Now many people believe that a person's own blood is the safest blood to receive

8Advances in medicine continues to reduce the risk of transmitting viruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), through blood. 9Research steadily finds new ways to test blood for disease, and blood donated by volunteers is becoming a safer product.

10Medical professionals often suggest autologous transfusion. 11They want the people to know that it is a choice they might have when they need blood. 12They encourage people to receive their own blood because it reduces possible negative effects of transfusion, 13 Receiving one's own blood ensures that the blood is compatible.

14 Transfusion of autologous blood avoids many types of transfusion reactions. 15Transfusion of directed donation blood does not prevent these reactions. 16 However, it’s difficult to change public Perceptions about this. 17 Many people still believe that receiving blood donated by family and friends prevents disease transmission. 18 Sometimes people choose not to donate blood.

19 Autologous transfusion is not always the best medical treatment. 20 Sometimes blood loss does not require transfusion. 21 It is impractical for large numbers of people to donate 'blood for the possibility of receiving it. 22 Also, some people who want to donate blood do not meet medical guidelines for donation.

Which word in the first Paragraph is incorrect?

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Question 4:

Read passage 2 and answers the questions following the passage.

1 Falls frequently cause accidents, serious injuries, and accidental death in the elderly. 2 Falling puts older people at a great personal risk that cannot be ignored. 3 Understanding the risks of falls and taking precautions against them can protect senior citizens from this problem.

4 Everyone is at risk for falling, regardless of age group, strength, or health status. 5 However, young children and elderly adults seem to fall most frequently, and the elderly are at the greatest rick of, falling.

6 Children's bodies are typically more resilient and resistant to injury from falls. 7 Always haphazardly on the move, toddlers typically bounce back after they topple.

8 They quickly pull themselves, up and waddle off uninjured, only to harmlessly tumble down again a few steps later. 9 In contrast, many elderly people are injured when they fall. 10 Their bodies are fragile and susceptible to injury. 11 They are frail and easily hurt. 12 They rarely "bounce back" after they topple. 13Consequently, they usually avoid living alone and risking falling with no one there to help. 14 AS people age, their eyesight, hearing, and reflexes often diminish, increasing their likelihood of falling. 15 Sometimes they do not see or hear things that might warn them of danger. 16 Frequently their adaptation to sudden changes in position diminishes.

17 Chronic illness also reduces older people's strength and balance, increasing the likelihood of falling. 18 Side effects of medications they take sometimes cause light-headedness and loss of balance.

19 Several factors often work together to make the elderly prone to falls. 20 When they do not have or use the lighting needed to see clearly as they walk in their surroundings. 21 Age and wear and tear on the body sometimes make their legs unsteady and their ankles weak. 22 Also, their reflexes typically slow down as they age.

Which sentence is repetitive and unnecessary?

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Question 5:

Read passage 2 and answers the questions following the passage.

1 Falls frequently cause accidents, serious injuries, and accidental death in the elderly. 2 Falling puts older people at a great personal risk that cannot be ignored. 3 Understanding the risks of falls and taking precautions against them can protect senior citizens from this problem.

4 Everyone is at risk for falling, regardless of age group, strength, or health status. 5 However, young children and elderly adults seem to fall most frequently, and the elderly are at the greatest rick of, falling.

6 Children's bodies are typically more resilient and resistant to injury from falls. 7 Always haphazardly on the move, toddlers typically bounce back after they topple.

8 They quickly pull themselves, up and waddle off uninjured, only to harmlessly tumble down again a few steps later. 9 In contrast, many elderly people are injured when they fall. 10 Their bodies are fragile and susceptible to injury. 11 They are frail and easily hurt. 12 They rarely "bounce back" after they topple. 13Consequently, they usually avoid living alone and risking falling with no one there to help. 14 AS people age, their eyesight, hearing, and reflexes often diminish, increasing their likelihood of falling. 15 Sometimes they do not see or hear things that might warn them of danger. 16 Frequently their adaptation to sudden changes in position diminishes.

17 Chronic illness also reduces older people's strength and balance, increasing the likelihood of falling. 18 Side effects of medications they take sometimes cause light-headedness and loss of balance.

19 Several factors often work together to make the elderly prone to falls. 20 When they do not have or use the lighting needed to see clearly as they walk in their surroundings. 21 Age and wear and tear on the body sometimes make their legs unsteady and their ankles weak. 22 Also, their reflexes typically slow down as they age.

Which sentence, if any, in the last paragraph is missing a verb?

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Question 6:

Read passage 2 and answers the questions following the passage.

1 Falls frequently cause accidents, serious injuries, and accidental death in the elderly. 2 Falling puts older people at a great personal risk that cannot be ignored. 3 Understanding the risks of falls and taking precautions against them can protect senior citizens from this problem.

4 Everyone is at risk for falling, regardless of age group, strength, or health status. 5 However, young children and elderly adults seem to fall most frequently, and the elderly are at the greatest rick of, falling.

6 Children's bodies are typically more resilient and resistant to injury from falls. 7 Always haphazardly on the move, toddlers typically bounce back after they topple.

8 They quickly pull themselves, up and waddle off uninjured, only to harmlessly tumble down again a few steps later. 9 In contrast, many elderly people are injured when they fall. 10 Their bodies are fragile and susceptible to injury. 11 They are frail and easily hurt. 12 They rarely "bounce back" after they topple. 13Consequently, they usually avoid living alone and risking falling with no one there to help. 14 AS people age, their eyesight, hearing, and reflexes often diminish, increasing their likelihood of falling. 15 Sometimes they do not see or hear things that might warn them of danger. 16 Frequently their adaptation to sudden changes in position diminishes.

17 Chronic illness also reduces older people's strength and balance, increasing the likelihood of falling. 18 Side effects of medications they take sometimes cause light-headedness and loss of balance.

19 Several factors often work together to make the elderly prone to falls. 20 When they do not have or use the lighting needed to see clearly as they walk in their surroundings. 21 Age and wear and tear on the body sometimes make their legs unsteady and their ankles weak. 22 Also, their reflexes typically slow down as they age.

Which sentence can be added to expand the information presented in sentences 14, 15, and 16?

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Question 7:

Read passage 3 and answer the questions following the passage.
1 Erythrocytes are red blood cells. 2 They make up the majority of the cells found in human blood. 3 The volume in a cubic milliliter of blood contains more than four million of them and only thousands of the
other blood cells.

4 The function of red blood cells is essential to life. 5 Erythrocytes travel continuously through the body's veins and capillaries. 6 As they circulate, they carry oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the other living cells. 7 They move oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from them.

8 The constant exchange of gases is vital since it keeps the body tissues alive and functioning,
An essential pigment in erythrocytes enables oxygen to combine with them. 10 This pigment,
hemoglobin, also produces the red color of blood. 11 The amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells influence the amount of oxygen they carry. 12 Abnormal levels of hemoglobin affect 'oxygen delivery to the tissues, which hinders the body's functions.

13 The type of hemoglobin in red blood cells also affect their function. 14 For example, sickle cell disease produces high levels of an abnormal hemoglobin. 15 This genetic malady prevents erythrocytes from freely moving through veins and capillaries and carrying oxygen effectively,
16 As cells, erythrocytes are unique. 17 They both generate and develop in the bone marrow along with other cell, but they have no nucleus. 18 Other blood cells include this dense internal component that contains genetic material. 19 Erythrocytes lose their nucleus as they mature, before the marrow releases them to circulate through the bloodstream.

Where is the best place to add the following paragraph?

During the last seven months of, 'gestation, developing babies' marrow produces fetal hemoglobin. This hemoglobin is called hemoglobin F. Hemoglobin A, adult hemoglobin, starts to replace hemoglobin F a few weeks before birth.

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Question 8:

Read passage 3 and answer the questions following the passage.
1 Erythrocytes are red blood cells. 2 They make up the majority of the cells found in human blood. 3 The volume in a cubic milliliter of blood contains more than four million of them and only thousands of the
other blood cells.

4 The function of red blood cells is essential to life. 5 Erythrocytes travel continuously through the body's veins and capillaries. 6 As they circulate, they carry oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the other living cells. 7 They move oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from them.

8 The constant exchange of gases is vital since it keeps the body tissues alive and functioning,
An essential pigment in erythrocytes enables oxygen to combine with them. 10 This pigment,
hemoglobin, also produces the red color of blood. 11 The amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells influence the amount of oxygen they carry. 12 Abnormal levels of hemoglobin affect 'oxygen delivery to the tissues, which hinders the body's functions.

13 The type of hemoglobin in red blood cells also affect their function. 14 For example, sickle cell disease produces high levels of an abnormal hemoglobin. 15 This genetic malady prevents erythrocytes from freely moving through veins and capillaries and carrying oxygen effectively,
16 As cells, erythrocytes are unique. 17 They both generate and develop in the bone marrow along with other cell, but they have no nucleus. 18 Other blood cells include this dense internal component that contains genetic material. 19 Erythrocytes lose their nucleus as they mature, before the marrow releases them to circulate through the bloodstream.

Which sentence has an incorrect subject-verb agreement?

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Question 9:

Read passage 3 and answer the questions following the passage.
1 Erythrocytes are red blood cells. 2 They make up the majority of the cells found in human blood. 3 The volume in a cubic milliliter of blood contains more than four million of them and only thousands of the
other blood cells.

4 The function of red blood cells is essential to life. 5 Erythrocytes travel continuously through the body's veins and capillaries. 6 As they circulate, they carry oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the other living cells. 7 They move oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from them.

8 The constant exchange of gases is vital since it keeps the body tissues alive and functioning,
An essential pigment in erythrocytes enables oxygen to combine with them. 10 This pigment,
hemoglobin, also produces the red color of blood. 11 The amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells influence the amount of oxygen they carry. 12 Abnormal levels of hemoglobin affect 'oxygen delivery to the tissues, which hinders the body's functions.

13 The type of hemoglobin in red blood cells also affect their function. 14 For example, sickle cell disease produces high levels of an abnormal hemoglobin. 15 This genetic malady prevents erythrocytes from freely moving through veins and capillaries and carrying oxygen effectively,
16 As cells, erythrocytes are unique. 17 They both generate and develop in the bone marrow along with other cell, but they have no nucleus. 18 Other blood cells include this dense internal component that contains genetic material. 19 Erythrocytes lose their nucleus as they mature, before the marrow releases them to circulate through the bloodstream.

Which sentence includes an unnecessary word?

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Question 10:

Read Passage 4 and answer the questions following the passage.

1 Pediatric nurses provide medical care for children.2 Their patients are newborns, infants, young children, adolescents, and teenagers.3 Sometimes these nurses also care for young people as old as 21 Years. 4 They help children recover from illness and injury, and they promote childhood health.

5This nursing specialty delivers family-centered care. 6 Its nurses interact with and support families as active medical partners, and they include parents, siblings, and others in the care team.

7 Sometimes these specialized nurses assist pediatric surgeons during surgery. 8 The surgeons complete special training to prepare them to treat children from the newborn stage through late adolescence. 9Pediatric surgeons use equipment and facilities specifically designed for the surgical needs of children.

10 Pediatric nursing care differs from adult nursing care. 11 Children differ physically from adults-their young bodies are not small versions of adult bodies. 12 Children continually grow and change, and pediatric nurses deal with this changes and other childhood medical needs.

13 They are specially trained nurses. 14 They work with other healthcare professionals to assess, monitor, and restore children's health. 15 They assist in diagnosing childhood diseases and teaching children how to be healthy. 16 They also support families while children undergo medical treatments and procedures.

17 These nurses work in hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, private homes, and other care settings, where they perform a wide range of duties. 18 They deliver treatments and assess patient conditions. 19 They administer medications by injection and by mouth, and rectally and intravenously.

20 They also teach medical care to patients and their parents. 21 They provide wound care, assist in procedures, and administer blood. 22 They work with syringes, stethoscopes, sphygnomometers, and a host of other advanced medical devices.

23 Pediatric nurses help people feel better. 24 These caregivers reassure parents and comfort families. 25 As scientific professionals, they use their eyes, hands, ears, and their special training. 26 They also use their critical thinking skills to promote children's health

Which sentence or sentences should be deleted to remove unrelated information?

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