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Question 1:
The nurse inspects the client's fingernails. Which differentiating characteristics are observed in this assessment finding?
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Question 2:

The nurse is calculating the one-minute Apgar score for a newborn infant and determines that the heart rate is 150 beats/minute, a vigorous cry is present, muscle tone is good with total flexion, quick reflex irritability noted, and skin color is dusky and cyanotic.

Which Apgar score should the nurse assign to this infant?

(Enter numeric value only.)

Answer and Explanation
Correct Answer: "9"


To determine the Apgar score for the newborn infant, we assess five parameters: heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color. Each parameter is scored from 0 to 2, with 2 being the highest score. Let's evaluate each parameter:

  1. Heart rate: 150 beats/minute --> Score of 2.
  2. Respiratory effort: Vigorous cry present --> Score of 2.
  3. Muscle tone: Good muscle tone with total flexion --> Score of 2.
  4. Reflex irritability: Quick reflex irritability noted --> Score of 2.
  5. Color: Dusky and cyanotic skin color --> Score of 1.

Now, we sum up the scores: 2+2+2+2+1=92+2+2+2+1=9

Therefore, the Apgar score for this infant is 9.

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Question 3:
The nurse notes an enlarged, visible lymph node on the client's neck. Which action should the nurse take next?
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Question 4:

A woman comes to the clinic for her first prenatal visit. The nurse is conducting a health history and the woman begins to cry when asked about previous pregnancies. Which response is best for the nurse to provide?

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Question 5:
The school nurse is interviewing an adolescent who wants to go home from school because of "back pain." Which question should the nurse ask first?
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Question 6:
While the nurse is obtaining a health history, the client reports experiencing shortness of breath at times. The nurse determines that the client's respirations are regular and deep and respiratory rate is 14 breaths/minute. Which is the best nursing action?
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Question 7:
While the nurse is taking a health history, the client announces, "I don't have time for this. This is a waste of time. I need treatment." Which response is best for the nurse to provide?
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Question 8:
A clinic nurse is assessing infants and toddlers for fine and gross motor development. Which child should the nurse refer to a healthcare provider for further evaluation?
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Question 9:

On the first postpartum day, the nurse examines the breasts of a new mother. Which condition is the nurse most likely to find?

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Nico: It comes immediately after birth within the first 12 to 18hrs ~ 1mo ago

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Question 10:
A nurse is interacting with a client who is a victim of intimate partner violence (IPV). The client reports feeling unable to leave the relationship because of the children. The nurse responds by saying, "I know this must be very difficult for you." Which type of therapeutic communication is the nurse providing?
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