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HESI PN Exit 2023

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Question 1:

A male preoperative client who has already signed the informed consent for a surgical procedure confides in the practical nurse (PN) that he is really frightened and unsure about undergoing the surgery. Which priority action should the PN take?

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Question 2:

The parents of a one-year-old child with the diagnosis of hypospadias informed the practical nurse (PN) that they plan to delay corrective surgery to see if the child will outgrow the problem. Which information should the PN provide to these parents?

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Question 3:

Before administering an antibiotic that can cause nephrotoxicity, which laboratory value is most important for the practical nurse (PN) to review?

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Question 4:

The practical nurse (PN) is assessing an older client with left-sided heart failure (HF). What intervention is most important for the PN to implement?

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Question 5:

The practical nurse (PN) receives a report of a stable client who experienced partial-thickness burns over 30% of the body surface area (BSA) 3 days ago.

Which complication is most important for the PN to anticipate?

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Question 6:

The practical nurse (PN) is providing care for a client who is receiving an aminoglycoside to treat a bacterial infection.

To assess for signs of ototoxicity, which action should the PN take?

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Question 7:

A client who is reaching saturation with medication reports the onset of muscle soreness and fatigue, and the practical nurse (PN) notes that the client's skin is warm to the touch.

Which action by the PN is a priority?

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Question 8:

A college student brings his roommate to the clinic because the roommate has been talking to someone who is not present. The student tells the practical nurse (PN) that his roommate is acting strange.

Which question should the PN ask the client next?

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Question 9:

The practical nurse (PN) notices that one of the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) working in the long- term care facility consistently records subnormal temperatures when using the thermometer.

Which action should the PN take first?

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Question 10:

At the first dressing change, the practical nurse (PN) tells the client that her mastectomy incision is healing well, but the client refuses to look at the incision and refuses to talk about it.

Which response by the PN to the client's silence is best?

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Question 11:

The practical nurse (PN) is auscultating a client's lung sounds. Which description should the PN use to document this sound? (Please listen to the audio clip provided).

Audio: [Wheezing sound]

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Question 12:

The medication aide at a long-term care facility is sick and requests to go home before all medications are administered. Which action should the practical nurse (PN) take in this situation?

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Question 13:

The medication aide at a long-term care facility is sick and requests to go home before all medications are administered. Which action should the practical nurse (PN) in charge take?

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Question 14:

A male client tells the practical nurse (PN) that the pill he has been taking at home is a different color and size than the one the PN is trying to give him now.

How should the PN respond?

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Question 15:

The practical nurse (PN) learns that a client who is receiving chemotherapy has developed stomatitis.

Which information should the PN obtain from the client during a focused assessment?

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Question 16:

In assessing a client with an indwelling urinary catheter following the provision of care by an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP), the practical nurse (PN) observes that the catheter drainage bag, which is half- full, is attached to the side rail and the tubing is looped on the bed.

Which action should the PN implement?

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Question 17:

The unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) tells the practical nurse (PN) that a male client is angry because the night shift took over 2 hours to bring him the pain medication, he had to request three times.

Which action should the PN implement first?

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Question 18:

The mother of a school-aged boy tells the practical nurse (PN) that he fell out of a tree and hurt his arm and shoulder. The mother says the boy is in pain and needs medical help.
The nurse should assess the injury and decide the appropriate action to take.
Help the nurse reason out the best assessment.

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Question 19:

Which information should the practical nurse (PN) collect during the admission assessment of a terminally ill client to an acute care facility?

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Question 20:

When performing a focused gastrointestinal system assessment, the practical nurse (PN) asks a male client when his last bowel movement occurred. The client answers, "Three days ago." Which action should the PN implement first?

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