Exam Review

HESI Nursing Research II

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Question 1:

The nurse is comparing the effectiveness of two smoking cessation programs, Program A and Program B, which were designed for adolescent clients who reported smoking for one year or longer.

Adolescents in three high schools in the American southeast were randomly assigned to one of the two study programs.

Significantly more adolescents stopped smoking after completing Program A than those who completed Program B, and the effect size was 0.8. Based on these findings, which action should the community health nurse take?

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Question 2:

Which statement should be found in the results section of a research article?

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Question 3:

While a study is in progress that is designed to analyze the effects of three types of assistive devices used by clients with Parkinson's disease when ambulating, a new walker is introduced to the market and several of the subjects begin using the new walker.
Based on this occurrence, which statement is accurate?

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Question 4:

In this statement describing the methodology of a research study, how was the snowball sample obtained? "From 2000 to 2004, a sample of 30 nonhospitalized women, self-identified as having postpartum depression, was recruited by network and "snowball sampling" to discuss their beliefs about postpartum depression.".

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Question 5:

Which study design allows for manipulation of independent and dependent variables?

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Question 6:

A nurse-researcher is dissatisfied with the results of a data analysis and recalculates the statistical computations applied to the data for the purpose of obtaining results that are more supportive of the researcher's personal belief system.
Which term best describes the outcome of this procedure?

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Question 7:

The nurse-researcher wants to evaluate the effectiveness of guided imagery in reducing stress prior to starting an IV. In the research proposal, several studies are reported in the review of the literature section about the use of biofeedback to reduce anxiety prior to invasive procedures.
Which significance level and sample size provide the greatest support for the findings reported?

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Question 8:

A nurse wants to know if the general population is aware of the nursing shortage.
Which approach provides the most reliable/accurate information?

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Question 9:

In which part of the research report should this statement be placed? "Organizational attributes associated with a professional nursing practice environment have been defined within magnet hospital studies and have been found to be highly valued by U.S. nurses across a variety of hospital settings and geographic locations.".

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Question 10:

A researcher is assessing the reliability of a new instrument that was constructed to measure pain perception following cardiac catheterization.
The Cronbach's alpha obtained from a pilot study of the tool was 0.35. Which evaluation does the alpha value indicate?

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