Exam Review

ATI Maternal Newborn-2023

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Question 1:

A nurse is caring for a client who is at 22 weeks of gestation and has been unable to control her gestational diabetes mellitus with diet and exercise.
Which of the following medications should the nurse anticipate a prescription from the provider for the client?

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Question 2:

The nurse caring for the pregnant patient understands that which hormone is essential for maintaining pregnancy?

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Question 3:

1. 08:00 - Client reported feeling pressure in the pelvic area.
2. 10:00 - Observed retraction of the fetal head against the maternal perineum.
3. 12:00 - Client reported increased discomfort; breathing exercises initiated.
4. 14:00 - Client’s contractions have become more frequent and intense.

1. Ultrasound: Healthy fetus in cephalic presentation.
2. Blood Test: Hemoglobin levels within normal range.
3. Urinalysis: No signs of infection or preeclampsia.
4. Fetal Heart Rate: Consistent with labor progression.

1. First pregnancy, no complications.
2. No history of chronic illnesses.
3. No history of surgeries.
4. No known allergies.

1. 08:00 - BP: 120/80, HR: 80 bpm, Temp: 98.6°F
2. 10:00 - BP: 122/82, HR: 82 bpm, Temp: 98.7°F
3. 12:00 - BP: 124/84, HR: 84 bpm, Temp: 98.8°F
4. 14:00 - BP: 126/86, HR: 86 bpm, Temp: 98.9°F

1. Regular monitoring of vital signs.
2. Pain management as needed.
3. Encourage mobility as tolerated.
4. Regular monitoring of fetal heart rate.

1. Cervix fully dilated.
2. Fetus in cephalic presentation.
3. Membranes ruptured.
4. Contractions regular and progressing.

A 28-year-old female client is in the second stage of labor in the maternity ward.


A nurse is caring for a client who is in the second stage of labor. The nurse observes retraction of the fetal head against the maternal perineum.

Complete the diagram by dragging from the choices below to specify what condition the client is most likely experiencing, two actions the nurse should take to address that condition, and two parameters the nurse should monitor to assess the client’s progress.

Answer and Explanation


The client is most likely experiencing Normal labor progression. The retraction of the fetal head against the maternal perineum, regular and progressing contractions, and full dilation of the cervix are all signs of normal labor progression.
Actions: The nurse should:
1. Encourage the client to push during contractions. This will help the baby move down the birth canal.
2. Monitor fetal heart rate. This is crucial to ensure the baby is not in distress.

Parameters: The nurse should monitor:
1. Frequency of contractions. This will help assess the progress of labor.
2. Fetal heart rate. Any abnormalities could indicate fetal distress, which would require immediate medical attention.

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Question 4:

A nurse is preparing an in-service program about preventing medication errors when transcribing a prescription.
The nurse is using a dosage example of two tenths of a milligram.

 Which of the following examples should the nurse use to show appropriate transcription of this dosage? 

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Question 5:

A nurse is caring for a newborn who has macrosomia and whose mother has diabetes mellitus.
Which of the following newborn complications should the nurse recognize as the priority focus of care?

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Question 6:

A nurse is assessing a client who is pregnant for preeclampsia.
Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the client requires further evaluation for this disorder?

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Question 7:

A nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled for a maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein test at 15 weeks of gestation.
Which of the following explanations about this test should the nurse provide to the client?

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Question 8:

A nurse is caring for a client who is at 34 weeks of gestation.

The client reports headache, dizziness, and blurred vision for 1 week.

The nurse notes 3+ edema in lower extremities and deep tendon reflexes (DTRs) 3+ with positive clonus.

The fetal heart rate (FHR) is 140 with minimal variability.

The nurse is reviewing the client’s electronic medical record to develop a plan of care.

Which condition is the client most likely experiencing, what are two actions the nurse should take to

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Question 9:

A nurse is attending to a first-time pregnant woman who is at term.

She is experiencing contractions but is unsure if she is in labor.

Which of the following should the nurse identify as a labor sign?

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Question 10:

A nurse is caring for a client who is 39 weeks pregnant and in active labor.

The nurse detects the fetal heart tones above the client’s umbilicus at the midline.

Which of the following positions should the nurse suspect the fetus is in?

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