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HESI PN Exit exam

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Question 1:

The practical nurse (PN) is assisting with preparation of a client for fecal diversion surgery. While inserting an indwelling urinary catheter, the client asks if the surgical opening will be visible.

Which action should the PN implement?

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Question 2:

For the past six hours, a postoperative male client has refused pain medication because he believed that he could "tough it out." When an opioid analgesic is administered, the client has difficulty obtaining a satisfactory level of comfort.

Which action is best for the practical nurse (PN) to use in assisting this client to deal with his pain?

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Question 3:

A 15-year-old adolescent male with a mild mental disability is hospitalized for minor surgery and tells the practical nurse (PN), "Wow! You have big breasts."

Which response is best for the PN to provide?

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Question 4:

The practical nurse (PN) is reviewing a client's recent ophthalmic screening test results. Findings of optic neuropathy, loss of peripheral vision, and increased intraocular pressure are consistent with which medical condition?

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Question 5:

A client who is at full-term gestation is in active labor and complains of a cramp in her leg.

Which intervention should the practical nurse (PN) implement?

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Question 6:

The practical nurse (PN) palpates a client's radial pulse and notes that the pulse disappears when light pressure is applied.

How should the PN document this finding?

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Question 7:

The practical nurse (PN) is making a home visit to an older male adult who was recently diagnosed with Herpes zoster (shingles). The client reports the onset of severe burning pain along the right side of his trunk.

What action should the PN take?

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Question 8:

The practical nurse (PN) is providing care for a client who is ordered nothing by mouth (NPO) after a small bowel resection. The client's nasogastric (NG) tube is connected to low intermitent suction. The client reports dizziness and tingling in digits.

Which assessment finding by the PN should be reported to the healthcare provider?

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Question 9:

A client in the psychiatric unit's dayroom is becoming agitated, talking incessantly, and starting to yell and swear at the other clients.

Which action should the practical nurse (PN) implement first?

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Question 10:

The practical nurse (PN) is preparing for shift change.

Which task has the highest priority and should be completed first?

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Question 11:

An unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) is completing an orientation assignment and is caring for a client who needs assistance with bathing.

What is the best way for the practical nurse (PN) to evaluate this UAP's performance?

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Question 12:

A male client atends a community support program for mentally impaired and chemical abusing clients. The client tells the practical nurse (PN) that his drugs of choice are cocaine and heroin.

What is the greatest health risk for this client?

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Question 13:

The practical nurse (PN) finds a postoperative client lying in bed with an unsecured surgical dressing as seen in the picture. After reinforcing the dressing, which follow-up assessment is most important for the PN to implement?

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Question 14:

The practical nurse (PN) reviews the history of an older adult who is newly admitted to a long term care facility.

Which factor in the resident's history should the PN consider the most likely to increase the client's risk for falls?

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Question 15:

Prior to an invasive examination of a hospitalized client, a consent form should be obtained. Which action best describes the responsibility of the practical nurse (PN)?

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Question 16:

The practical nurse (PN) receives shift report for four newborns in the full-term newborn nursery.

Which infant should the PN assess first?

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Question 17:

While changing the dressing of a client who is immobile, the practical nurse (PN) observes a red and swollen wound with a moderate amount of yellow and green drainage and a foul odor.

Before reporting this finding to the healthcare provider, the PN should evaluate which of the client's laboratory values?

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Question 18:

The practical nurse (PN) is caring for a client with a new prescription for fluticasone furoate nasal spray, a glucocorticoid prescribed for the client's nasal allergy symptoms.

In reinforcing instructions about self-administration of the nasal spray, the PN should emphasize the need for the client to take which action before self-administration?

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Question 19:

The practical nurse (PN) is charting vital signs on a hand-writen flow sheet and realizes that an error has been made. What should the PN do to rectify this error?

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Question 20:

Which finding should the practical nurse (PN) instruct the postpartum client to report to the charge nurse?

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