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Correct Answer is A


Choice A Reason: This choice is correct because slow, steady bubbling in the suction control chamber indicates that the suction is working properly and maintaining a negative pressure in the pleural space. The nurse should continue to monitor the client's respiratory status, such as breath sounds, oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate, to assess the effectiveness of the chest drainage system.

Choice B Reason: This choice is incorrect because checking the suction control outlet on the wall is not necessary unless there is no bubbling in the suction control chamber, which would indicate a problem with the suction source or setting. The nurse should ensure that the suction control outlet is set at the prescribed level, usually between 10 and 20 cm H2O.

Choice C Reason: This choice is incorrect because clamping the chest tube is not indicated unless there is a leak in the system or the chest drainage unit needs to be changed. Clamping the chest tube may cause a buildup of air or fluid in the pleural space, which can lead to tension pneumothorax or pleural effusion.

Choice D Reason: This choice is incorrect because checking the tubing connections for leaks is not necessary unless there is continuous bubbling in the water seal chamber, which would indicate an air leak in the system. The nurse should ensure that all tubing connections are tight and secure, and tape any loose connections.

Correct Answer is B


Choice A Reason: This choice is incorrect because urinary hesitancy is not the priority finding for the nurse to address.

Urinary hesitancy is a difficulty or delay in starting or maintaining a urine stream. It may be caused by various factors such as prostate enlargement, urinary tract infection, medication side effects, or psychological issues. It may cause discomfort, pain, or urinary retention, but it does not pose an immediate threat to the client's life.

ChoiceB Reason: This choice is correct because dysphagia is the priority finding for the nurse to address. Dysphagia is a difficulty or inability to swallow food or liquids. It may be caused by various factors such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, dementia, esophageal cancer, or oral infections. It may cause malnutrition, dehydration, aspiration, or choking, which can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, sepsis, or death. Therefore, the nurse should assess the client's swallowing function and provide appropriate interventions such as modifying the diet texture, using thickening agents, or teaching swallowing techniques.

ChoiceC Reason: This choice is incorrect because swollen gums are not the priority finding for the nurse to address. Swollen gums are an inflammation or enlargement of the gingival tissue that surrounds the teeth. They may be caused by various factors such as poor oral hygiene, gum disease, vitamin deficiency, medication side effects, or hormonal changes. They may cause bleeding, pain, or infection, but they do not pose an immediate threat to the client's life.

Choice D Reason: This choice is incorrect because pruritus is not the priority finding for the nurse to address. Pruritus is a sensation of itching that affects the skin. It may be caused by various factors such as dry skin, allergies, eczema, psoriasis, liver disease, or kidney disease. It may cause discomfort, scratching, or skin damage, but it does not pose an immediate threat to the client's life.

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