Wondering about your TEAS test scores for Nursing Program? Yes, should be. Admissions to a Nursing program in a selective college require applicants to pass the TEAS test that assesses the student’s suitability to join the program. TEAS test scores for nursing courses differ from school to school, but the passing score ranges between 55 to 70 percent for a composite score.
Every student interested in joining an undergraduate nursing course must pass their TEAS exam. Our premium practice test is one of the most significant resources that can help you achieve excellent performance in your test. The test questions will give you a score mark of 90%, subscribe now and beat the competition.
This article provides a detailed guide regarding the; TEAS test scores and ranges, the subjects tested, and the recommended scores for nursing students.
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What Is a Good TEAS test score for Nursing Program?
As a student enthusiastic about joining a Nursing program in the future, what is a good TEAS 7 score? A good score is any good mark that qualifies you to join a nursing school. In summary, a good score should be above 70%.
Different schools have diverse test scores for your admission; therefore, knowing each school’s TEAS score requirements is advisable before you sit for the exams. Certain schools may ask for definite minimum scores, while others may not have such requirements.
Tips for preparing for TEAS practice tests will provide you with a comprehensive guide for a better score.
Some students may be admitted with test scores below 70%, depending on school requirements. However, to be on the safe side of the admission trajectory, aim to score higher, as such performance would make you a competitive applicant.
To increase your chances of scoring higher in your test scores, consider using TEAS practice tests and other online learning materials to widen your knowledge on some of the examinable areas you could experience in the TEAS test exams.
TEAS Test Scores and Ranges
ATI, a leading TEAS test provider, has developed an academic preparedness levels data set to guide applicants regarding the TEAS test scores and ranges as indicated below.
1. Developmental level
Scores under this level indicate the applicant needs higher academic preparedness to study health sciences-related subjects. Applicants at this stage require extra preparation to grasp the content taught. The developmental score range is 0.0% to 40.0%.
2. Basic Level
Scores under this category indicate the learners have low overall academic readiness to study health sciences lessons. As such, students in is class may require additional readiness to acquire the required ability. The raw score ranges between 40.7% to 58.0%.
3. Proficient level
Scores in this class indicate the students have the modest status of general academic awareness required to understand health-related lectures. Applicants at this level may need extra preparation. The proficient score ranges between 58.7% to 79.3%.
4. Advanced level
The advanced score mainly shows a high level of respect for academic readiness required to grasp health sciences-related content. Students in this category may be fine without extra preparation. The advanced score ranges between 80.0% to 91.3%.
5. Exemplary level
As the name depicts, a score under this level generally shows a significantly high level of academic readiness required to understand health-related learning. Students at this level are likely to have little preparation. The good score ranges between 92.0% to 100.0%.

The subjects tested on TEAS 7 exams comprise four sectional areas:
- 1. Reading
- 2. Math
- 3. Science
- 4. English Language and Usage
The questions tested per each section vary as follows; Reading has 39 scored items, with six unscored. Math has 34 questions, with four unscored. Science has 44 questions with six unscored, while English language and usage bears 33 questions with four unscored. In total, there are 150 scored questions and 20 unscored items.
The time allocated for each section varies as shown; Reading (55 minutes), math (57 minutes), science (60 minutes), and English language and usage (37 minutes). The total time allocated for the 150 questions amounts to 209 minutes.
For test preparation, the examinable content has been broken down into sub-sections. This information is vital to help you prepare for the exams by going through all the examinable topics before the exams.
The layout of TEAS 7 consists of 4 sections. Each sub-section is further broken down into smaller topics for ease of learning. The content of the subsections is described below:
1. Reading Subsection.
This area assesses reading awareness. It tests the ability to read paragraphs and graphics, including maps, graphs, and labels. This section covers three key parts: Key ideas & details, craft & structure, and integration of knowledge & ideas. The number of questions for each subsection is; 22, 14, and 11, respectively.
2. Math subsection;.
This part of the test measures several variables, including; basic numeric, algebra, data interpretation, and measurements. The test center provides a basic calculator for use. The content covers the following subsections; Numbers & algebra, as well as measurement & data. The number of questions on each part is 23 and 9, respectively.
This part is distributed in the following subsections; Human anatomy & physiology , life & physical sciences, and scientific reasoning. The questions for each Subsection are tested as follows; 32, 8, and 7, respectively.
4. English language and usage subsection
This part measures the applicant’s awareness of the English language. Parameters tested include; spelling, grammar , and meaning of words, among other English topics. The subsections consist of; conventions of standard English, knowledge of the language, and vocabulary acquisition. The total number of questions per subsection is; 9, 9, and 6, respectively.
In summary, the topics and the number of questions addressed per content area in the TEAS exam are; reading (53 questions), math (36 questions), science (53 questions), and English language and usage (28 questions).
Now that you are familiar with the TEAS exam content, examinable areas, number of questions per section, and time allotted to the questions, you might be wondering what’s the acceptable score necessary to enter a nursing school.
The recommended score will vary from school to school; however, applicants must score at least 58.7% overall score or above to meet the minimum academic preparedness level.
Final Thoughts
TEAS Online ExamsThe TEAS exams measure several aspects concerning the student's readiness to join a nursing school. The areas tested include; Reading, math, science, English language, and usage.
To boost a student's chance of excelling in the TEAS exams, applicants should aim to get higher scores. Naxlex TEAS practice test can help you achieve an overwhelming score of 90% and above; that's guaranteed; Subscribe Now and match into your future.
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