RN Nutrition 2019 Nexy Updated 2023

RN Nutrition 2019 Nexy Updated 2023 ( 67 Questions)

Question 5 :
A nurse is teaching a group of parents about appropriate food choices for toddlers. Which of the following choices by the parents demonstrates an understanding of the teaching?

Correct Answer: B

Choice A reason: Hot dog cut in fourths is not an appropriate food choice for toddlers because it is still a choking hazard. Hot dogs are cylindrical and firm, which can block the airway of a child. Hot dogs should be avoided or cut into thin slices and small pieces before offering to toddlers.

Choice B reason: Cooked spaghetti with sauce is an appropriate food choice for toddlers because it is soft, easy to chew, and provides carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins. Cooked spaghetti can be cut into short strands and mixed with sauce to make it more appealing and moist for toddlers.

Choice C reason: Steak cut into small pieces is not an appropriate food choice for toddlers because it is tough, dry, and hard to chew. Steak can cause choking or difficulty swallowing for toddlers who have not developed their molars and chewing skills. Steak should be avoided or minced and moistened before offering to toddlers.

Choice D reason: Caramel popcorn is not an appropriate food choice for toddlers because it is sticky, sweet, and hard. Caramel popcorn can stick to the teeth and gums, causing dental caries and gum infections. Popcorn can also cause choking or aspiration for toddlers who have not mastered their swallowing reflex. Popcorn should be avoided until the child is at least 4 years old.

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