Question 7 :

A nurse is assessing a client who has schizophrenia. The client tells the nurse. "My heart exploded and my blood is draining out." The nurse should interpret this statement as which of the following manifestations?

Correct Answer: B

A. Paranoia:
Paranoia involves unfounded beliefs that others are plotting against, persecuting, or harming the individual. It is not directly related to the client's statement about bodily sensations.

B. A somatic delusion:
This is the correct choice. A somatic delusion is a false belief related to the body. In this case, the client believes that their heart exploded and blood is draining out, which is a somatic delusion involving bodily functions and sensations.

C. Concrete thinking:
Concrete thinking refers to a literal and straightforward way of thinking without the ability to interpret abstract or metaphorical language. While the client's statement is literal, it is not an example of concrete thinking. Concrete thinking would involve an inability to understand figurative language, which is not the case here.

D. A visual hallucination:
Visual hallucinations involve seeing things that are not present. The client's statement does not describe a visual experience but rather a false belief about bodily sensations, indicating a somatic delusion.

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