Question 1 :

A nurse is caring for a client who has bipolar disorder and is experiencing a manic episode. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

Correct Answer: C

A. Encourage the client to join group activities:
Encouraging a client experiencing a manic episode to join group activities is not the best option. Manic episodes are characterized by heightened energy, impulsive behavior, and decreased attention span. Group activities may overstimulate the client, making it difficult for them to focus or participate appropriately. It's essential to minimize stimulation and provide a calm environment to help manage the symptoms of mania.

B. Administer methylphenidate to the client:
Methylphenidate is a stimulant commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Administering a stimulant like methylphenidate to a person in a manic state can exacerbate their symptoms. It would increase their already elevated energy levels, restlessness, and impulsivity, making the manic episode more intense and challenging to manage. Using stimulant medications in this context is contraindicated.

C. Dim the lights in the client's room:
Dimming the lights in the client's room is the appropriate choice. Bright lights can increase agitation and restlessness in individuals experiencing a manic episode. Dimming the lights creates a calming environment, reducing excessive stimulation and promoting relaxation. A calm atmosphere is crucial for someone going through a manic episode to help them manage their symptoms effectively.

D. Provide detailed explanations to the client:
During a manic episode, individuals often have racing thoughts and may have difficulty concentrating. Providing detailed explanations can overwhelm the client, as they might have trouble processing complex information in this state. Instead, simple and clear communication is more effective. It's important to provide straightforward instructions and information to prevent further agitation and confusion.

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