Ethical Principles in Nursing:

Ethical Principles in Nursing: ( 5 Questions)

Question 1 :

A nurse is caring for a patient who is nonverbal and unable to communicate their pain level. According to ethical principles in nursing, what action should the nurse take?

Correct Answer: B

Consult with the healthcare provider for further instructions.

Ethical principles in nursing emphasize the importance of patient autonomy and informed decision-making. In this situation, since the patient is nonverbal and unable to communicate their pain level, it is crucial to consult with the healthcare provider for further guidance on assessing and managing the patient's pain. This ensures that the nurse follows the principle of beneficence by providing appropriate and individualized care to the patient.

  • Option a assumes the nurse's assessment alone is sufficient, disregarding the need for healthcare provider collaboration and input.

  • Option c makes assumptions about the absence of pain without adequate assessment or guidance.

  • Option d, while involving the family is important, does not replace the need for healthcare provider consultation in making decisions about pain management.

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