Ati nurse 142 final

Ati nurse 142 final ( 45 Questions)

Question 1 :

The nurse is caring for two clients who both are in pain due to sickle cell anemia. One of the clients rates the pain as a 7 out of 10 (0 is no pain and 10 is the worst pain possible). This client is moving around easily and is eating well, but has asked for pain medication. Which action by the nurse is most appropriate?

Correct Answer: B

Pain is a subjective experience, and the client's report of pain should be respected and addressed promptly. If the pain medication is ordered and it has been longer than the ordered interval, the nurse should administer the medication as prescribed. In general, withholding pain medication for a client in pain is not an appropriate action.

Administering half the ordered dose of pain medication without a healthcare provider's order is also not appropriate. The nurse should follow the healthcare provider's orders for pain medication administration and titration.

It's also not appropriate to assume that the client is faking pain without adequate assessment and evidence to support such a claim. The nurse should perform a thorough pain assessment, including the location, intensity, and quality of the pain, and consider non-pharmacological interventions to help manage the pain.

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