Physical Examination
- Performing a head-to-toe examination of a child is a systematic and comprehensive assessment to evaluate their overall health status.
- It involves observing and assessing various body systems from the head down to the toes.
- The head-to-toe examination in children involves:
1. Head and Face
- Inspection: Check for symmetry, shape, and size of the head. Note any abnormalities, lesions, or signs of trauma.
- Fontanelles: Assess fontanelles (soft spots) for size, tension, and flatness. Note any bulging or sunken fontanelles, which can be indicative of increased intracranial pressure.
- Eyes: Observe for symmetry, alignment, and presence of any discharge. Assess pupil size, shape, and reaction to light. Check for any signs of redness, swelling, or discharge.
- Ears: Inspect external ears for symmetry, position, and signs of abnormalities or discharge. Examine the ear canals for redness, swelling, or drainage.
- Nose: Check for any signs of congestion, discharge, or nasal flaring.
Mouth and Throat: Inspect the oral cavity for color, moisture, and lesions. Note any signs of tooth decay or gum issues. Assess the throat for any redness, swelling, or exudate.
2. Neck
- Inspection: Assess for symmetry, mobility, and any masses or abnormalities. Note any signs of enlarged lymph nodes.
- Palpation: Gently palpate the neck for tenderness, swelling, or enlarged lymph nodes. Check for range of motion.
3. Chest and Lungs
- Inspection: Observe for chest shape, respiratory rate, and use of accessory muscles. Note any retractions or signs of respiratory distress.
- Palpation: Check for tenderness, crepitus, or masses. Assess chest expansion and identify any areas of tenderness or abnormalities.
- Auscultation: Listen to breath sounds in various lung fields using a stethoscope. Note any wheezing, crackles, or diminished breath sounds.
4. Heart
- Auscultation: Listen to heart sounds using a stethoscope. Assess for rate, rhythm, and any abnormal heart sounds (murmurs, gallops).
5. Abdomen
- Inspection: Observe for shape, contour, and any visible abnormalities. Note any scars or distension.
- Palpation: Gently palpate the abdomen for tenderness, masses, and organ enlargement. Assess liver and spleen size.
- Auscultation: Listen for bowel sounds in all four quadrants.
6. Genitourinary
- Male Genitalia: Inspect for anomalies, hernias, and any signs of infection or inflammation.
- Female Genitalia: Inspect for anomalies, discharge, or signs of infection. In pre-pubertal children, avoid internal examination.
7. Musculoskeletal
- Inspect Extremities: Observe for symmetry, deformities, joint alignment, and muscle tone.
- Check Range of Motion: Assess the child's ability to move joints through their full range of motion. Note any limitations or discomfort.
- Palpate for Tenderness or Swelling: Examine joints and long bones for tenderness, swelling, or deformities.
8. Neurological
- Mental Status: Assess the level of consciousness, orientation, and mood.
- Cranial Nerves: Evaluate cranial nerve functions, including facial movements, pupillary responses, and gag reflex.
- Motor Function: Test muscle strength, tone, and coordination. Observe for any signs of weakness or abnormal movements.
- Sensory Function: Check sensation to touch, pain, and temperature in various areas of the body.
9. Skin
- General Inspection: Observe for color, temperature, moisture, and overall condition of the skin. Note any rashes, lesions, or bruising.
10. Back and Spine
- Inspection and Palpation: Check for symmetry, alignment, and any signs of abnormalities or tenderness. Note any curvature of the spine.
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