How Many Questions Are on the HESI Exit Exam?
Since the NCLEX PN exam uses a computerized adaptive test (CAT) format, there are no identical questions in the HESI Exit Exam. The number of questions will always vary from 85 to 205 questions. However, this will depend on how well you perform on the examination. However, 25 are always the pretest items from the questions, which will not count towards your final score. The exam time limit is always 5 hours.
What Question Types Can You Expect on the HESI Exit Exam?
NCLEX-PN has four different question categories. The four sections include:
Effective and Safe Care Environment
All the questions in this section are related to maternal and child Care, the aging process, disease prevention, development stages, high-risk behaviors, and data collection methods.
- Coordinated Care (16% to 22%): The topics in this section include advocacy, supervisory concepts, client care assignments, continuity of Care, referral process, prioritization, ethics and confidentiality, information technology, quality improvement, and informed consent.
- Safety and Infection Control (10% to 16%): The section covers security, ergonomics, handling hazardous materials, injury and error prevention, incident reports, emergency response plans, and home safety.
Home Promotion and Maintenance (7% to 13%)
All the questions in this section are related to maternal and child Care, the aging process, disease prevention, development stages, high-risk behaviors, and data collection methods.
Psychosocial Integrity (8% to 14%)
Topics in this section will cover drug dependency, support systems, mental health, therapeutic environment and communication, crisis intervention, coping mechanisms, behavioral management, cultural awareness, sensory alterations, stress management, abuse and neglect, and the grief process.
Physiological Integrity
- Basic Care and Comfort (13%): In this section, all the questions will be on hydration, nutrition, assistive devices, hygiene, comfort intervention, mobility, sleep , and elimination.
- Pharmacological Therapies (11% to 17%): Questions in this section will focus on drug administration topics and will cover adverse effects, dosage calculation, pain management, side effects, and expected actions and outcomes.
- Reduction of Risk Potential (10% to 16%): Questions in this section will cover body system alterations, diagnostic tests, laboratory tests, and therapeutic processes.
- Physiological Adaptation (7% to 13%): All the questions in this section will be on physiological adaptations like body system alterations, medical emergencies, and electrolyte and fluid imbalances.
Important Tips to Help You Answer Nursing HESI Questions Correctly
Use the tips below to help you increase your chances of passing the NCLEX Exam by answering HESI questions correctly.
- Know the Exam Format: Nursing students must familiarize themselves with the NCLEX format and structure. It will offer students an idea of how best to handle the questions.
- Use study materials well: Read your nursing textbooks and review the handouts. Ensure you check an online course and create some flashcards.
- Have a study plan and schedule: To increase your chances of passing your HESI exit exam on the first attempt, you must plan well. Ensure you plan what topics you will study on what days and stick to it.
- Make Good Use of Practice Tests: The practice exams will review topics you have mastered and the areas you must study more.
- Avoid Last Minute Rashes: Before the exam, you must rest instead of rushing through your notes and revision papers. Have enough sleep a day before the exam. Dress comfortably on exam day and arrive at the testing center on time.