Qbank just like NCLEX-RN®
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Premium Plan
Ideal for students needing more time for their NCLEX-RN prep.
- Most similar questions to actual NCLEX-RN exam.
- Cheat sheet for every question.
- Peer performance comparison.
- +2500 questions, +1k ngn questions.
- Multiple Assessments Tests.
- Multiple NCLEX-RN CAT Mock Tests.
- Exam interface that mimics real exam.
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Premium Plus
Ideal for students needing more time for their NCLEX-RN prep.
- Most similar questions to actual NCLEX-RN exam.
- Cheat sheet for every question.
- Peer performance comparison.
- +2500 questions, +1k ngn questions.
- Multiple Assessments Tests.
- Multiple NCLEX-RN CAT Mock Tests.
- Exam interface that mimics real exam.
- Accurate Pass Prediction.
The #1 NCLEX
Prep Platform
Master NCLEX-RN and achieve exam success with optimized preparation at every step of your journey with Naxlex.
- Most similar questions to the actual NCLEX-RN exam
- Comparison of peer performance
- Precise pass predictions

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Q-Bank + CAT
They mirror the precise experience you'll face on the NCLEX-RN.
Readiness Assessments
They allow you to methodically monitor your improvement.
Guaranteed Pass
Guaranteed to get 50% of our questions on your NCLEX-RN exam.
Dashboard-rich Highlights
Study progress & key insights at a glance
Ease of access
Assess your exam preparedness tests easily from the dashboard.
CATs insights
The dashboard provides comprehensive CATs insights.
Detailed Performance
Stay on track with detailed performance tracking.
Our Questions simulate real NCLEX-RN®
Practice with the most relevant and
effective questions
Similar Questions
Most similar questions to actual NCLEX-RN exam.
0ver 2500 questions, +1k ngn questions.
Similar Exam Interface
Exam interface and content designed to mimic real exam.
we go beyond traditional test prep
We provide comprehensive cheat sheets for every question
Understand the Rationale
Each answer is broken down, so you know why it's correct or incorrect.
Master Key Concepts
Summarize essential nursing principles relevant to the question.
Learn Faster
Clear, focused explanations make it easier to retain critical information.
Content-rich Rationales
Go beyond the basics with our content-rich answer rationales
Valuable Insights
Offer valuable insights to amplify your study sessions.
Rich Explanations
Rich explanations tailored to deepen your NCLEX-RN understanding.
Essential takehome-points to emphasize what you need to know.
Performance Tracking and Test Analysis
Estimate your likelihood of passing the NCLEX-RN® before you take the exam
Precise Pass Predictions
Obtain precise pass predictions using our data analysis.
Performance Comparison
See peer performance comparison.
Monitor Your Strengths
Monitor your strengths and pinpoint areas of weakness.