Every NCLEX is scored twice, once by the test center computer and once more after the exam record has been sent to Pearson VUE for quality assurance. You will receive the official results from the Nursing Regulation Board, or the NRB, six weeks after the exam. Thus, explore How long for NCLEX results.
How can Naxlex help?
Naxlex is the ultimate nursing resource for students. We can help you ace your NCLEX with our personalized practice exams and live tutoring for areas of weakness, ensuring your success. We guarantee a pass rate of 90%, with a money-back offer if you score 85% in our assessments and fail the actual exam. Try our premium package today!

Review of the NCLEX Exams
NCLEX is a computer-adaptive test that evaluates entry-level nursing skills. There are two types of registered nurses: NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN. The exam presents questions based on the test taker’s responses and adjusts them to suit their skill level. Every candidate gets a customized assessment experience thanks to this flexible framework.
Taking the actual exam
Before sitting for the NCLEX, you must set an exam date and register with the appropriate nursing regulatory authority. Afterward, you will go through check-in processes, present your official identification, and follow the test centre guidelines on exam day. The exam typically consists of Multiple-choice questions that cover everything from basic to advanced nursing concepts.
How to find out whether you have passed
The following are the main methods to know if you have passed the NCLEX exam:.
1. Unofficial Results: How long for NCLEX results
The service isn’t free; accessing it will set you back $7.95. The benefit is that if your NRB takes part in this service, you can ascertain your pass rate informally two business days after finishing the NCLEX.
Remember that even if your unofficial exam results indicate that you have passed, this does not give you the go-ahead to start working as a registered nurse. You will still need to wait for your nursing regulatory organization to notify you of your results officially.
2. Official Results
Your nursing regulatory authority will only send the official results to you six weeks after your NCLEX exam.
Contact your nursing regulatory authority if, after six weeks, you still need to get your results.
Your results are verified twice to ensure accuracy. As you take the test, the computer scores it, and Pearson VUE verifies the results afterward.
Although the testing centre’s computer will be scoring your exam, your results are confidential, and neither the staff members working there nor the public will be able to see your test results.
Your nursing regulatory organization will send you a Candidate Performance Report (CPR) if you fail your NCLEX. This report should assist you in discovering your areas of weakness. As you start getting ready to retake your exam,
You will find out how many exam items you passed and a summary of your performance in the Candidate Performance Report; this will assist you in identifying your strong points and shortcomings so that you can perform better in the future.
3. The Pearson Vue Trick
Test takers have discovered a means to receive a hint as to whether or not they passed the NCLEX: the Pearson Vue Trick. It’s neither a formal nor informal method.
You may ask questions concerning the “good pop-up” and the “bad pop-up” on forums or in NCLEX Facebook groups; these questions relate to the Pearson Vue Trick.
Once more, this is not regarded as a trustworthy source of information.
Why do NCLEX results matter?
Some may question whether it matters because of how long it takes to receive NCLEX results. There are two crucial factors to take into account in this case:
1. Having Peace of mind
It’s undoubtedly stressful to be in nursing school. Care plans, clinical rotations, and assignments never end. The burden of NCLEX preparation lingers even after you’ve completed nursing school and graduated with honors. Acing the NCLEX is the last step towards becoming a nurse, which is exactly what nursing school prepares you for.
Knowing that you’ve passed your NCLEX means it is officially over. You are finally a qualified nurse and can take it easy, knowing that you no longer have to think about studying and can focus on starting your nursing career.
2. Planning for your career
Practically speaking, it’s easier to plan your next steps when you start your nursing profession when you know your NCLEX results promptly. Some people might wait to start their job hunt until they pass the NCLEX or have a job offer conditional on passing the exam.
Whatever the case, having your NCLEX results as quickly as possible for career planning is critical.
How to cope with result-waiting anxiety
After completing your exam, you are expected to be excited and curious about hearing back from the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).
This central turning point in your career can be exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time, But there are actions you may take to keep you grounded. They include:
Managing your expectations: You should understand that while awaiting NCLEX results can be unsettling, it’s a necessary step in the process of becoming a qualified nurse.
Employ self-care techniques: Take part in stress-relieving activities and hobbies like working out, swimming, practicing yoga and meditation, or spending time with close friends and family.
Focus on your future: If bad comes to worse, you can always retake the exam and get back on track with pursuing your nursing career goals and dreams.
Retake Policy: How long for NCLEX results
Candidates have 45 days from the exam’s administration to retake it under the NCSBN retake policy. Certain NRBs may mandate a greater interval between exams.
A minimum of 45 test-free days must elapse between the eight NCLEX examinations that candidates applying for licensure or registration with a participating nursing regulatory body (NRB) may take each year. A candidate’s annual eligibility for NCLEX examinations may be more strictly regulated in some areas. Candidates can obtain the NRB’s NCLEX retake policy by contacting them.
Conclusion: How long for NCLEX results
Waiting for NCLEX results can be an anxious time for candidates, but understanding the process and preparing mentally for the aftermath can help alleviate some stress. Regardless of the outcome, passing the NCLEX exam represents a significant milestone in becoming a licensed nurse. By focusing on self-care and staying optimistic about the future, candidates can navigate this waiting period with resilience and confidence. Remember, the journey to becoming a registered and qualified nurse is filled with challenges. Still, each step brings you closer to your goal of making a difference in healthcare.