Do you ask “Is the NCLEX timed”? Yes, the NCLEX RN examination is timed, candidates have five hours to complete the NCLEX. The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) is one
Category: Nursing
Nursing Blogs

Can an ADN take the NCLEX?Can an ADN take the NCLEX?
Can an AND take the NCLEX is a popular question among nursing candidates. Yes, you can take the NCLEX with ADN. There are two nursing qualifications recognized for taking the
Why is my ATT for NCLEX taking so long?Why is my ATT for NCLEX taking so long?
Taking a crucial exam like the NCLEX requires you to get an Authorization to Test (ATT) from the Pearson VUE. You’ll receive the ATT from the email address you gave
How to study pharmacology for NCLEX?How to study pharmacology for NCLEX?
Studying pharmacology for NCLEX can be tough, but it does not have to be. The exam is intended to evaluate your nursing competencies on the safe use of drugs in

Test-taking Strategies for Nursing StudentsTest-taking Strategies for Nursing Students
Nursing school demands rigorous academic dedication, particularly in mastering various test formats like multiple-choice and practical exams. Excelling on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) is pivotal for aspiring registered

Odds of passing NCLEX with 145 questionsOdds of passing NCLEX with 145 questions
NCLEX is a computer-adaptive exam, meaning the test can shut off at any moment. The program determines with 95% precision whether you have passed or failed the exam. However, the

Can I Take the NCLEX if I Have a Dui?Can I Take the NCLEX if I Have a Dui?
The decision making competency of nurses is a crucial skill that must never be underestimated. Driving under the influence (DUI) is a grave criminal offense with serious legal and professional

How to find NCLEX Test DatesHow to find NCLEX Test Dates
The NCLEX is a standardized test state nursing boards use to assess readiness for entry-level nursing practice. It comes in two forms: the NCLEX-RN for registered nurses and the NCLEX-PN

How often is the NCLEX OfferedHow often is the NCLEX Offered
How often is the NCLEX is offered is a question most students ask. You should know NCLEX exam is available year-round for initial test takers and those retaking the exam.

The Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) is a professional nurse who has successfully passed the NCLEX exam. Depending on the state, the LPN is also referred to as a Licensed Vocational