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Are NCLEX Quick Results Accurate | Are Quick Results for NCLEX Accurate


It is always an exciting journey to become a nurse. You will be glad to overcome the few steps on your way to graduating from nursing school and passing the licensure exam. Most of the nursing students will always be anxious about learning if they have passed the exam. But are NCLEX quick results accurate | are quick results for NCLEX accurate? In this article, I will share everything you need to know about NCLEX quick results and answer some frequently asked questions about this tool.

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Are NCLEX Quick Results Accurate | Are Quick Results for NCLEX Accurate

Yes, NCLEX quick results are accurate. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) offers candidates the option to purchase their NCLEX quick results forty-eight business hours after taking the exam. The Quick Results provide candidates with their pass or fail status. It’s important to note that the NCLEX quick results are not official and can’t be used as evidence of licensure. 

Can One Get Their NCLEX Results Early?

Have you just graduated from a nursing school or preparing to graduate? High chance you are anxious and excited about taking the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX). Moreover, after sitting for the examination, it is natural that you will want your NCLEX results fast. However, the NCLEX Quick Result Service is offered as an option for candidates to get unofficial NCLEX test scores after completing the exam and submitting it for scoring.

How Early Can One Get Their NCLEX Results?

The official NCLEX results are always released by the candidate’s state board of nursing approximately six weeks after the test is complete. A month and a half of waiting can feel like an eternity, which is why the NCLEX Quick Results Service is something, many test-takers use. 

The NCLEX candidates can access unofficial test results in as few as two business days after completing the exam by using the NCLEX Quick Results Service option. Because the results provided by the Quick Results Service are unofficial, they should not be used to authorize candidates to practice as a nurse.

Can Unofficial NCLEX Results Change?

In rare cases, there can be errors in the unofficial results either due to technical issues or other factors. However, the chances of the unofficial results changing are low. It’s important to wait for the official results from your state board of nursing before making any decisions regarding licensure or employment. Additionally, when you have any questions or concerns about the NCLEX results, you will have to contact the state board of nursing for further guidance.

4 Benefits of Getting NCLEX Results Quickly 

If you are preparing to take the NCLEX and have heard of the NCLEX Quick Results, you may have wondered why some people choose to use this option. While it is not required, there are a few advantages to getting an NCLEX fast result. 

Below are the four main benefits of getting NCLEX results quickly. 

Reduces Stress 

While the NCLEX Quick Results are unofficial test results, they are believed to be accurate, which means you can stop worrying about whether you passed the test or not. Since you do not have to worry about whether you passed the NCLEX, you can take a deep breath and relax. 

Gives You an Idea If You Will Need a Retest

No student will want to fail their NCLEX exam. However, there are times when it can happen. One benefit of getting your NCLEX results quickly is that it will enable you to know if you will be retaking the exam. In normal circumstances, it can take up to six weeks to receive official NCLEX results. However, by using the Quick Results Service, you can find out if you need to begin studying to retake the exam. If you do need to retest, you can get a jump start on preparation for the next time!

An Affordable Way to Find Out How to Plan For Your Next Steps and Begin Making Career or Plans

Furthermore, if you get your NCLEX results quickly, you can start planning your next academic or career move. Although the results are not official, they are believed to be accurate, which means you can decide what you want to do with your life next.

You Can Start Filling Out Job Applications with Confidence 

The results you get from the NCLEX Quick Results Service are not official and cannot be used as verification of licensure. Furthermore, if you use the service and your quick results show you have passed the NCLEX, you may decide to begin filling out job applications. Prospective employers realize your official results will be available approximately six weeks after you take the test. Still, many are willing to accept applications, and some will conduct interviews with offers of employment contingent upon you receiving your license. This tool can give you the boost of confidence you need to make pursuing a job a reality.

Plan Your Next Career Steps with Us

If you’ve taken your NCLEX and are waiting for your results, a great thing to do while you wait is to plan your next career steps. Researching potential nursing jobs and applying to those that appeal to you is a great way to distract yourself and use your newly found free time.

If you are getting ready to take your NCLEX, you are almost done with your journey of becoming a nurse. Naxlex can help you get over the finish line with NCLEX study plans, test-taking tips & tricks, next-gen practice questions, and NCLEX sample questions. 

Join other students and check out our Naxlex NCLEX prep materials today.

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