Naxlex Blog TEAS Practice Test 50+ Nursing Test Questions and Answers: Your Comprehensive Guide

50+ Nursing Test Questions and Answers: Your Comprehensive Guide

Preparing for nursing examinations can be difficult, but with the correct tactics and tools, you can excel with confidence. This guide will present you with various nursing test questions and answers to expand your knowledge and raise your test-taking abilities. Whether you are a nursing student or a professional wishing to improve your knowledge, this thorough handbook will give you the necessary skills for success.

Before getting into nursing test questions and answers, if you’re preparing to do the HESI A2 or TEAS exam so that you can join your preferred nursing school, it’s essential to prepare adequately to get the desired passing grade. The best way to do that is to take HESI A2 or TEAS practice questions. Subscribe for free HESI A2 and TEAS practice questions HERE!

Importance of Nursing Test Questions

It’s important to recognize the relevance of nursing exam questions before digging into the questions and answers. Nursing test questions are designed to test your knowledge, analytical thinking, and practical abilities in the nursing field. Learn how to assess, prioritize, and deliver safe and effective nursing care by practicing with relevant information and becoming comfortable with various nursing questions.

Key Strategies for Effective Test Preparation

To excel in nursing exams, adopting effective test preparation strategies is essential. Here are a few essential tips to guide your study process:

  • Create a study schedule and stick to it.
  • Use reliable nursing textbooks and reputable online resources.
  • Utilize flashcards and mnemonic devices to aid memorization.
  • Practice time management during mock exams.
  • Join study groups or engage in peer discussions.
  • Seek clarification from professors or experienced nurses when needed.

Common Types of Nursing Test Questions

Multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, short-answer questions, and other forms frequently appear on nursing examinations. You may better anticipate and prepare for the exam by practicing with these sample questions.

Nursing Test Questions and Answers: General

Medical-Surgical Nursing Test Questions and Answers

1. What is the priority nursing intervention for a patient with a compromised airway?Ensure a patent airway and protect the patient from injury.
2. Which of the following is a characteristic sign of hypokalemia?Muscle weakness and cramping.
3. What is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient receiving medication?The nurse should verify the patient’s identity before administering medications.

Pediatric Nursing Test Questions and Answers

1. Which of the following is a common sign of respiratory distress in an infant?Nasal flaring and grunting.
2. What is the priority nursing intervention for a child experiencing a severe allergic reaction?Administering oxygen therapy as ordered.
3. What is an appropriate nursing intervention for a child with a chronic illness?Encourage the child to express feelings and provide emotional support.

Maternity Nursing Test Questions and Answers

1. What is an appropriate nursing intervention for a woman in active labor?Encouraging the woman to change positions and providing pain relief.
2. Which of the following is a sign of placental separation during the third stage of labor?Lengthening of the umbilical cord and a gush of blood.
3. What is the primary purpose of administering oxytocin (Pitocin) after delivery?To stimulate uterine contractions.

Mental Health Nursing Test Questions and Answers

1. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a client experiencing anxiety?Assisting the client in developing coping strategies.
2. What is a common side effect of antipsychotic medications?Extrapyramidal symptoms, such as muscle stiffness and tremors.
3. How would the nurse handle a client’s aggressive behavior?Ensure the safety of the client and others and de-escalate the situation.

Pharmacology Test Questions and Answers

1. What is the antidote for heparin overdose?Protamine sulfate.
2. Which of the following is a common side effect of ACE inhibitors?Dry cough.
3. What is the primary action of beta-adrenergic blockers?Decreasing heart rate and blood pressure.

Nursing Test Questions and Answers: MCQs

What is the normal range for resting heart rate in adults?

a) 50-70 beats per minute

b) 70-90 beats per minute

c) 90-110 beats per minute

d) 110-130 beats per minute


a) 50-70 beats per minute

Which of the following is a priority intervention for a patient experiencing an anaphylactic reaction?

a) Administering antipyretics

b) Administering antihistamines

c) Providing oxygen therapy

d) Assessing vital signs


c) Providing oxygen therapy

Which of the following symptoms is commonly associated with hypoglycemia?

a) Increased thirst

b) Excessive urination

c) Sweating and trembling

d) Decreased appetite


c) Sweating and trembling

When caring for a patient with a nasogastric tube, the nurse should prioritize which action?

a) Checking tube placement before administering medications or feedings

b) Flushing the tube with water after each medication administration

c) Using a smaller-sized suction catheter for intermittent suctioning

d) Securing the tube to the patient’s gown using adhesive tape


a) Checking tube placement before administering medications or feedings

What is the purpose of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)?

a) Assessing peripheral nerve function

b) Measuring oxygen saturation levels

c) Evaluating neurological function

d) Assessing cardiac output


c) Evaluating neurological function

Which of the following is a common symptom of a pulmonary embolism?

a) Chest pain

b) Bradycardia

c) Hypertension

d) Hyperglycemia


a) Chest pain

Which of the following laboratory values indicates dehydration in a patient?

a) Increased hemoglobin level

b) Decreased blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

c) Decreased serum sodium level

d) Increased urine specific gravity


d) Increased urine specific gravity

What is the primary purpose of incentive spirometry?

a) Assessing lung capacity

b) Promoting lung expansion

c) Administering bronchodilators

d) Monitoring oxygen saturation


b) Promoting lung expansion

Which of the following is an early sign of hypoxia?

a) Cyanosis

b) Hypertension

c) Restlessness

d) Bradycardia


c) Restlessness

Which of the following actions should be prioritized when caring for a patient with a fever?

a) Administering an antipyretic medication

b) Providing a cool sponge bath

c) Applying a warm blanket

d) Encouraging increased fluid intake


d) Encouraging increased fluid intake

Which of the following positions is recommended for a patient receiving an enema?

a) Supine

b) Prone

c) Left lateral

d) Trendelenburg


c) Left lateral

Which of the following is a characteristic sign of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?

a) Pallor and coolness of the affected extremity

b) Absence of pain in the affected extremity

c) Homans’ sign

d) Elevated blood pressure


c) Homans’ sign

What is the priority nursing intervention for a patient experiencing a hypertensive crisis?

a) Administering antihypertensive medication

b) Monitoring blood pressure every 30 minutes

c) Placing the patient in a supine position

d) Assessing for signs of target organ damage


d) Assessing for signs of target organ damage

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient at risk for falls?

a) Keeping the bed in a low position with side rails up

b) Encouraging the patient to wear slippery socks for comfort

c) Placing the patient’s personal belongings within reach

d) Encouraging the use of assistive devices only when necessary


a) Keeping the bed in a low position with side rails up

Which of the following is the primary function of the kidneys?

a) Regulation of blood glucose levels

b) Production of red blood cells

c) Filtration and excretion of waste products

d) Regulation of body temperature


c) Filtration and excretion of waste products

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with impaired mobility?

a) Encouraging the patient to remain in bed for extended periods

b) Assisting the patient with active range of motion exercises

c) Using a lift sheet when moving the patient in bed

d) Restricting the patient’s fluid intake to decrease urine output


c) Using a lift sheet when moving the patient in bed

Which of the following is a common side effect of opioid analgesics?

a) Hypertension

b) Constipation

c) Diarrhea

d) Tachypnea


b) Constipation

Which of the following actions should the nurse prioritize when preparing to administer an intramuscular injection?

a) Aspirating for blood return after needle insertion

b) Applying a warm compress to the injection site

c) Using a small-gauge needle for injection

d) Administering the medication rapidly to minimize discomfort


a) Aspirating for blood return after needle insertion

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention to promote sleep for a hospitalized patient?

a) Administering a sedative without prescription

b) Keeping the lights on in the patient’s room during nighttime hours

c) Providing a comfortable sleep environment with minimal noise

d) Encouraging the patient to consume a large meal before bedtime


c) Providing a comfortable sleep environment with minimal noise

What is the purpose of a sputum culture and sensitivity test?

a) To determine the presence of bacteria in the sputum

b) To assess the viscosity of the sputum sample

c) To identify the specific type of respiratory virus

d) To measure the oxygen saturation levels in the blood


a) To determine the presence of bacteria in the sputum

Which of the following is a priority nursing action when caring for a patient with an impaired gag reflex?

a) Administering oral medications in tablet form

b) Providing a straw for drinking liquids

c) Positioning the patient in a supine position after meals

d) Assessing the patient’s ability to swallow before offering food or fluids


d) Assessing the patient’s ability to swallow before offering food or fluids

Which of the following is a sign of neurogenic shock?

a) Bradycardia

b) Hypertension

c) Hyperthermia

d) Decreased urine output


a) Bradycardia

Which of the following statements accurately describes informed consent?

a) It is obtained only for surgical procedures.

b) It is not required in emergency situations.

c) It must be obtained by the physician.

d) It requires the patient to fully understand the risks and benefits of the procedure or treatment.


d) It requires the patient to fully understand the risks and benefits of the procedure or treatment.

Which of the following actions should the nurse prioritize when caring for a patient with a central venous catheter?

a) Changing the dressing daily

b) Flushing the catheter with normal saline after each use

c) Maintaining a continuous infusion of IV fluids

d) Removing the catheter if resistance is encountered during flushing


a) Changing the dressing daily

Which of the following is a priority nursing intervention for a patient with a suspected head injury?

a) Administering pain medication immediately

b) Placing the patient in a supine position

c) Assessing the patient’s level of consciousness and vital signs

d) Encouraging the patient to ambulate to prevent blood clots


c) Assessing the patient’s level of consciousness and vital signs

Which of the following is a priority nursing intervention for a patient experiencing a seizure?

a) Restrain the patient to prevent injury.

b) Place a padded tongue depressor between the patient’s teeth.

c) Time the duration of the seizure.

d) Ensure a patent airway and protect the patient from injury.


d) Ensure a patent airway and protect the patient from injury.

Which of the following is a characteristic sign of hypokalemia?

a) Muscle weakness and cramping

b) Increased heart rate

c) Hyperactive bowel sounds

d) Elevated blood pressure


a) Muscle weakness and cramping

Which of the following statements accurately describes the role of the nurse in medication administration?

a) The nurse should always administer medications as ordered without question.

b) The nurse should only administer medications that they have personally prepared.

c) The nurse should verify the patient’s identity before administering medications.

d) The nurse should delegate medication administration to nursing assistants.


c) The nurse should verify the patient’s identity before administering medications.

Which of the following actions should the nurse prioritize when caring for a patient with an infected surgical wound?

a) Irrigating the wound with normal saline solution

b) Applying a dry sterile dressing to the wound

c) Administering antibiotics without prescription

d) Removing all sutures or staples from the wound


a) Irrigating the wound with normal saline solution

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention to prevent the development of pressure ulcers in a bedridden patient?

a) Applying a heating pad to the patient’s bony prominences

b) Repositioning the patient at least every two hours

c) Massaging the skin over bony prominences vigorously

d) Keeping the patient’s heels exposed to the air


b) Repositioning the patient at least every two hours

Which of the following is an important aspect of effective communication between nurses and patients?

a) Using medical jargon and terminology to convey information

b) Providing information quickly without allowing the patient to ask questions

c) Maintaining eye contact and using active listening techniques

d) Avoiding nonverbal cues and body language


c) Maintaining eye contact and using active listening techniques

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with impaired skin integrity?

a) Applying adhesive tape directly to the skin surrounding the wound

b) Using sterile gloves for wound dressing changes

c) Applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the wound bed

d) Using hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound


b) Using sterile gloves for wound dressing changes

Which of the following is a priority nursing intervention for a patient with diabetes who is experiencing hypoglycemia?

a) Administering a fast-acting carbohydrate such as orange juice or glucose gel

b) Administering long-acting insulin to regulate blood sugar levels

c) Restricting the patient’s fluid intake to prevent further hypoglycemia

d) Monitoring the patient’s blood pressure every 15 minutes


a) Administering a fast-acting carbohydrate such as orange juice or glucose gel

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with pneumonia?

a) Administering an antiviral medication

b) Encouraging bed rest and limited mobility

c) Administering oxygen therapy as ordered

d) Restricting fluid intake to prevent congestion


c) Administering oxygen therapy as ordered

Which of the following is a common side effect of diuretic medications?

a) Hypotension

b) Hyperkalemia

c) Weight gain

d) Decreased urine output


a) Hypotension

Which of the following statements accurately describes the purpose of the Braden Scale?

a) It assesses a patient’s risk for developing pressure ulcers.

b) It measures a patient’s level of pain on a scale of 1 to 10.

c) It evaluates a patient’s level of consciousness.

d) It determines a patient’s nutritional status.


a) It assesses a patient’s risk for developing pressure ulcers.

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?

a) Administering bronchodilators as needed

b) Encouraging smoking cessation

c) Restricting fluid intake to prevent fluid overload

d) Administering oxygen therapy only during sleep


a) Administering bronchodilators as needed

Which of the following is a common sign of respiratory distress in an adult patient?

a) Bradycardia

b) Hypotension

c) Cyanosis

d) Hyperthermia


c) Cyanosis

Which of the following actions should the nurse prioritize when caring for a patient with a chest tube?

a) Milking the chest tube to promote drainage

b) Keeping the drainage system below the level of the chest

c) Clamping the chest tube during patient transfers

d) Removing the chest tube once drainage stops


b) Keeping the drainage system below the level of the chest

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention to prevent urinary tract infections in older adult patients?

a) Encouraging increased fluid intake

b) Administering diuretic medications

c) Limiting the use of indwelling urinary catheters

d) Encouraging frequent bladder emptying


c) Limiting the use of indwelling urinary catheters

Which of the following is a priority nursing action when caring for a patient with anaphylaxis?

a) Administering an antihistamine medication

b) Placing the patient in an upright position

c) Applying a cold compress to the affected area

d) Administering epinephrine immediately


d) Administering epinephrine immediately

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with a peripheral intravenous (IV) catheter?

a) Changing the IV site every 72 hours

b) Removing the catheter if resistance is encountered during flushing

c) Using a large-gauge needle for insertion

d) Securing the catheter with adhesive tape only


b) Removing the catheter if resistance is encountered during flushing

Which of the following is a common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)?

a) Diarrhea

b) Abdominal distention

c) Heartburn

d) Constipation


c) Heartburn

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with a urinary catheter?

a) Keeping the catheter drainage bag above the level of the bladder

b) Emptying the drainage bag every 24 hours

c) Applying antiseptic ointment to the urethral meatus daily

d) Changing the catheter every 48 hours


a) Changing the catheter every 48 hours

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with a nasogastric tube?

a) Securing the tube tightly to prevent movement

b) Flushing the tube with sterile water after each medication administration

c) Monitoring the patient’s bowel sounds and abdominal distention

d) Removing the tube during meals to allow the patient to eat normally


c) Monitoring the patient’s bowel sounds and abdominal distention

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with a central line infection?

a) Administering antibiotics without prescription

b) Removing the central line immediately

c) Applying warm compresses to the insertion site

d) Changing the central line dressing every 12 hours


b) Removing the central line immediately

Which of the following is a priority nursing action when caring for a patient with a fever?

a) Administering antipyretic medication as ordered

b) Bundling the patient in warm blankets

c) Restricting fluid intake to prevent dehydration

d) Keeping the room temperature cool and providing adequate ventilation


d) Keeping the room temperature cool and providing adequate ventilation

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with a suspected myocardial infarction?

a) Administering a fibrinolytic medication without prescription

b) Encouraging the patient to engage in physical activity

c) Assessing the patient’s vital signs every 4 hours

d) Administering oxygen therapy as ordered


d) Administering oxygen therapy as ordered

Which of the following is a priority nursing action when caring for a patient with a potential airway obstruction?

a) Administering a sedative medication to relax the patient

b) Encouraging the patient to cough forcefully

c) Performing the Heimlich maneuver if indicated

d) Placing the patient in a prone position


c) Performing the Heimlich maneuver if indicated

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention to promote wound healing?

a) Applying an occlusive dressing to the wound

b) Exposing the wound to open air

c) Using sterile gloves for wound care

d) Applying a topical antibiotic ointment to the wound


d) Applying a topical antibiotic ointment to the wound

Which of the following is a common sign of hypothyroidism?

a) Weight loss

b) Increased heart rate

c) Excessive sweating

d) Fatigue and lethargy


d) Fatigue and lethargy

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with a seizure disorder?

a) Restraining the patient during a seizure to prevent injury

b) Placing a padded tongue depressor between the patient’s teeth

c) Timing the duration of the seizure

d) Clearing the area of any objects that could cause injury during a seizure


d) Clearing the area of any objects that could cause injury during a seizure

Which of the following statements accurately describes the purpose of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)?

a) It measures a patient’s level of pain.

b) It assesses a patient’s risk for developing pressure ulcers.

c) It evaluates a patient’s level of consciousness and neurological function.

d) It determines a patient’s respiratory status.


c) It evaluates a patient’s level of consciousness and neurological function.

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with a urinary tract infection (UTI)?

a) Encouraging the patient to limit fluid intake to reduce urinary frequency

b) Administering a diuretic medication to increase urine output

c) Providing perineal care using strong antiseptic solutions

d) Administering antibiotics as prescribed and encouraging increased fluid intake


d) Administering antibiotics as prescribed and encouraging increased fluid intake

Which of the following is a priority nursing action when caring for a patient with a head injury?

a) Elevating the head of the bed to 90 degrees

b) Administering a sedative medication to promote rest

c) Assessing the patient’s level of consciousness regularly

d) Encouraging the patient to engage in strenuous physical activity


c) Assessing the patient’s level of consciousness regularly

Prepare Yourself For Nursing School 

Now is the time to begin preparing for nursing exam success. Start by making a study plan, collecting materials, and going over the sample questions and answers for the nursing certification exam.

If you run into problems, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your instructors, students, or members of online nursing groups. You may flourish in your nursing examinations and become a skilled nurse with hard work, determination, and a firm grasp of nursing topics.

Don’t leave your future to chance – prepare smartly and maximize your chances of achieving the passing grade you desire. Start your journey towards nursing school success;  create your free account for HESI A2 and TEAS practice questions now. The time to act is now. Best of luck!

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